Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm ONE!!!

Monday was my very first birthday! Mommy and Daddy keep saying that they can't believe that I am already a year old. I can, because I think I'm a pretty big boy now!!

We started celebrating my birthday this past weekend with the first of TWO parties that I am going to have. Can you believe that!? Two parties! I'm a pretty lucky boy! On Friday, GrandMomma took me to have my one year pictures made. I smiled for the camera and reached for some bubbles that the guy with the camera was blowing at me. Then on Saturday, we had a party and GrandDaddy and GrandMomma's house. It was a construction themed party since I love trucks so much. Mommy made me something called a dirt cake and put it in the back of one of my dump trucks. It was pretty cool! Then they sat me in my high chair and just let me dig in. Let me tell you, dirt cake is YUMMY AND MESSY!! I got it all over me and was having such a great time flinging it everywhere and smearing it in my face. Everyone just stood around staring at me and taking my picture, but I didn't care and just kept shoveling it in. Mommy made me get straight in the bathtub after I had my cake because I was a mess. After I got cleaned up, I got to open all my presents. I got books and clothes and an awesome Little People worksite!! After that, I got to eat MORE sugar in the form of a cupcake. That was really good too and I had fun getting the red icing all over my face. I had a really awesome day! I was so worn out that I was asleep in the car before we ever got out of GrandDaddy's driveway.

On Sunday, I spent some time with my Daddy while Mommy went to baby sit. We had a big time playing with my new presents and reading over my new books. After Mommy got home, we went for pizza and talked to the people there about my next party! Then we went and picked up a toy box that Mommy and Daddy bought for me for my birthday. It is so cool and holds all my toys with lots of room left over for more. That night we made a stepping stone with my hand print in it. We are going to do one every year on my birthday to see how much I've grown.

The next day was Monday and it was finally my actual birthday! We got in the car and ended up at the Dr's office! I stayed positive even though I know they usually give me shots there and make me cry. The lady came in and shined the light in my eyes and ears as always and put me on the scale. I now weigh 19 pounds and 13 ounces and am 29 inches long. (Told you I was a big boy!) When the Dr mentioned the shots, Mommy told her that I wasn't going to have any shots on my birthday and that we would just come back another time for that. Yippee!! We dropped Daddy off at work and Mommy and I went to have a day for the two of us. She took me to the museum and I got to look at all the colorful paintings. My favorite one was of a little girl and her dog. I stared and pointed at it the most. We also went to eat breakfast and had the best french toast and hash browns ever! After that, we took Daddy some lunch at his office and headed home. It had been a long day, so Mommy and I both laid down and took a nap for a while.

So, as you can see, my first birthday was great!! And I still have one more party to go!! I'll post more and tell you all about that one next week. One is going to be an awesome year...I just know it! -Will-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe that Will is One already. This past year just flew by. He sure is a cutie pie.