Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas 08

We had a great Christmas holiday this year. To get in the spirit, Mommy, Daddy and I put up our tree right after Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun hanging all the ornaments and stringing the beads. Mommy says I was a great helper despite the fact that a couple ornaments got broken.

From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08

Another fun thing we did for the holidays was visiting the Grinch on Ice at Opryland. GrandDaddy and GrandMomma took us all and we had a blast. It was really cold in there, but they gave us these huge coats to wear and Mommy made sure I was bundled up extra tight. You should have seen all of those sculptures that were made of ice! It was pretty amazing!

From Grinch and Opryland Hotel 08
From Grinch and Opryland Hotel 08

I also got to sit in Santa's lap. TWO different Santa's actually! I'm not quite sure how there came to be two of them. I think one of them must have been faking it.

From Grinch and Opryland Hotel 08
From Grinch and Opryland Hotel 08

When all of our shopping was done, and we had driven around and looked at all the lights there were to see, Christmas Eve was finally here! We went to GrandDaddy's house and celebrated with them. I had been preparing myself to tear into the presents. I kept eyeballing them beneath our tree, but I was a good boy and didn't touch any until Christmas came. When the time was right and Daddy gave me the go ahead, I ripped into my gifts.

From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08

I got so many cool things! Lots of Thomas the Train stuff, clothes, a garage, a boom box, puzzles and books. (Note: Now that it is mid January, Mommy and I have read the Thomas book in the above picture no less than 1000 times. Thanks Uncle B and Aunt Allison!) We also ate a bunch of yummy food and GrandDaddy even gave me a drink of his sparkling grape juice. I played with my cousins and then we headed home to get ready for Santa to come.

From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08

That night I went to bed early, because I knew Santa was on his way over. The next morning when I woke up, sure enough Santa had been there and left me all kinds of gifts! The first thing I saw was this cool art easel with paints, markers and chalk. Santa even wrote a note to me on it! I opened the rest of my presents and got more Thomas stuff, movies, books and clothes. It was awesome!

From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08

For the rest of the day, Mommy, Daddy and I just hung out watching Christmas movies, playing with my toys and taking it easy. We cooked a Christmas dinner and ate till our bellies could bust. It was the best Christmas ever!

The weekend following Christmas, Grandma Howell came to visit me and brought me more gifts! Am I a lucky kid, or what!? I got clothes and a puppy (not a real one...YET) and we ate and watched Ratatouille together. It was a nice day. The next day we went to Aunt Gigi's house and the whole family was there. And guess what....more presents! (Mommy and Daddy said they are going to need to buy a new house for all this stuff.) We ate and played until our heart's were content and it was time to head home. I was asleep within minutes of leaving dreaming about what a wonderful holiday it had been. - Will -

From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08
From Christmas 08

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