Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'm such a bruiser!

I am a pretty adventurous guy. I love to explore new things and my favorite thing to do recently is climb. I figured out that if I put a pillow under the chair in our living room, it gives me a little boost so that I am able to climb up in there. Mommy was home sick from work one day and I showed her how I could do this. (I think she was pretty impressed!) After I climbed into the chair, she started tickling me and when she turned around to grab her phone, I got so excited, I went over the side of the chair and fell head first to the ground. Mommy has a basket that is made out of metal bottle caps and I scraped my head on that when I fell. It hurt a lot and I cried and bled for a minute. I didn't want to keep crying about it though and instead gave Mommy a mean guy face so that she could take a picture of my injury. Do you think I look tough? -Will-

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