Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fun with Friends

Last weekend, we went to the park with Tyrone, Jenny and Gavin. There was a huge playground there with swings and slides, but my favorite part was the sand beach. I drew in the sand with a stick and even got to go put my feet in the water. Everyone thought the water was kind of cold, but I'm tough and loved every minute of it. I got my shorts soaking wet and Mommy had to hang them out the window on the drive back just so we could stop at the store. That was pretty funny. We had a great time and I didn't want to leave. Mommy and Daddy promised we will go back one day though and I am holding them to it! -Will-


Laura said...

I love Wills blog! Looks like you had a great time at the park!! Will is such a cuuutie!!
Laura and Brody

lindz said...

Yay Will! You are so tough! I hope you had a "cracker" after your adventure!